Senin, 02 November 2015

Registed Now!

Register your Grow ID with BUNLOX

How :

1.  Log in to your email
2. Send the data to
3. Few days later we inform you to that email.

Data Format : [your grow id] {space} [your password] {space} [your backup email]

We swear your account will be save with us.
If the Grow ID that you want is taken, we will inform you.
If not taken, we will inform you using the email when that account is ready because we are setting the account with the blocking system and special gift.

Current Special Gift :

15 World Lock (5% chance)
10 World Lock (5% chance)
5 World Lock (10% chance)
3 World Lock (15% chance)
1 World Lock (20 % chance)
15 Coffee (20% chance)
10 Small Lock (24% chance)
1 Angel Wing (1% chance)

Note : This price is not scam, we using a program to randomize that.